AET62 NFC Reader with Fingerprint Sensor
ACS Smard card reader with fingerprint sensor brings to the market effortless user convenience.Combining the core of ACS' ACR122U Near Field Communication (NFC) Reader and Authentec's swipe fingerprint sensor, the AET62 NFC Reader with Fingerprint Sensor makes integration of secure biometric authentication simple and exchange of information intuitive. With its ergonomic design, it makes fingerprint and contactless card authentication hassle-free.
AET62 elevates security and flexibility for contactless applications by:
Three-Factor-Authentication: Requiring of a user something he has (smart card), something he knows (PIN/password) and something he is (fingerprint), before enabling any transactionMatch-On-Device: Limiting fingerprint template extraction and matching to itself, preventing security attacks associated with PCsSimple Fingerprint System : Doing away with databases, servers or network connectivity. Instead, fingerprint templates are stored and encrypted in the smart card.Complete local-site authentication; Limiting required components for operation into three only (local PC/remote server applications, contactless smart cards, and the AET62). Thus, even developers without an in-depth knowledge of biometrics can integrate fingerprint authentication into smart card-based applications.Security Enhancement : Provision of an optional secure access module (SAM) and support for third-party algorithms.
Manuals, Datasheets, Drivers for AET62
AET62 NFC Reader with Fingerprint Sensor SDK
The AET62 NFC Reader with Fingerprint Sensor Software Development Kit enables users to efficiently develop new applications and systems, as well as incorporate the AET62 NFC Contactless Smart Card Reader and Swipe Fingerprint functionalities into existing applications. Included in the package are sample cards, sample codes, tools and utilities, demo applications, and reference materials that help developers, who may not have an in-depth knowledge of biometrics, integrate fingerprint authentication into smart card-based applications very easily.AET62 SDK Contents:
Smart Card Reader(s) |
Test Card(s)/ Token(s) |
SDK OS Support |
AET65 Smart Card Reader with Fingerprint Sensor
The AET65 Smart Card Reader with Fingerprint Sensor guarantees security and convenience in a variety of applications. Combining the core of ACS' ACR38-SAM contact smart card reader and Authentec's swipe fingerprint sensor in a single device, it creates a more cost-efficient and simplified integration of biometric technology in applications where the accuracy of biometric authentication is necessary to ensure a high level of security.
The AET65 elevates the:
Security: It requires of a user something he has (smart card), something he knows (PIN/password) and something he is (fingerprint), before enabling any transaction; limits fingerprint extraction and matching to itself (preventing security attacks associated with PCs); comes with a secure access module (SAM); and offers support for third-party algorithms.Simplicity: It does away with databases, servers or network connectivity. Instead, fingerprint templates are stored and encrypted in the smart card, reducing operation components into three (local PC/remote server applications, contact smart cards, and the AET65). Even developers without an in-depth knowledge of biometrics can integrate fingerprint authentication into smart card-based applications
With these features, the AET65 makes integration of secure biometric authentication simple and exchange of information intuitive, and fingerprint and smart card authentication hassle-free.
AET65 Smart Card Reader with Fingerprint Sensor SDK
The AET65 Smart Card Reader with Fingerprint Sensor Software Development Kit enables users to efficiently develop new applications and systems, as well as incorporate the AET65 Smart Card Reader and Fingerprint functionalities into existing applications. Included in the package are sample cards, sample codes, tools and utilities, demo applications, and reference materials that help developers, who may not have an in-depth knowledge of biometrics, integrate fingerprint authentication into smart card-based applications very easily.
AET65 SDK Contents:
Smart Card Reader(s) |
Test Card(s)/ Token(s) |
SDK OS Support |

See also the HID biometric access controll readers
See also the Safran Bioscypt biometric access controll readers